Enhance your facility’s security with our comprehensive Security Entrance Products, offering advanced features for controlled access and monitoring:

  1. Turnstiles: Sturdy and space-efficient, turnstiles provide controlled entry, preventing unauthorized access while maintaining a smooth flow of people.

  2. Security Gates: Robust gates equipped with access control systems ensure controlled entry and exit, enhancing perimeter security.

  3. Speed Gates: Combine security with aesthetics using speed gates, offering fast and controlled access for authorized individuals.

  4. Full-Height Turnstiles: Ideal for high-security areas, full-height turnstiles provide complete physical barriers, preventing unauthorized entry.

  5. Security Revolving Doors: Stylish and secure, revolving doors equipped with access control systems enhance building access control while providing an elegant entrance.

  6. Security Portals: Enclosed security portals add an extra layer of protection, allowing one person at a time to pass through after proper authentication.

  7. Access Control Systems: Seamlessly integrate security entrances with access control systems for centralized monitoring and control.

  8. Biometric Authentication: Implement fingerprint or facial recognition for precise and secure user authentication.

  9. Visitor Management Systems: Streamline visitor entry with dedicated systems for visitor registration, authentication, and tracking within the premises.

  10. Anti-Tailgating Technology: Prevent unauthorized access by employing anti-tailgating features, ensuring only one person enters per valid authentication.

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